Database query

Type in the file name, MD5 or SHA1 checksum.
E.g. srvnet.dll, GDI32,

Definition File Whitelist:

Describes a method in information technology to define a list of trusted and clean files. Everything that is not on a trusted whitelist has to be considered as untrusted and possible unsafe. Untrusted files need much effort for analyze whether they are a security threat or safe.

Search result for "Storage.dll":

1. storage.dll from Windows XP Microsoft Corporation, OLE 2.1 1632 Interoperability Library Copyright Microsoft Corp. 1992 - 1994
Machine: 80386, MS-DOS Win32, Windows Console Interface, English (United States) Language, Windows, Multilingual Charset

Last modified: 2008-04-14 05:17:00
File size:  4.208 Byte
MD5:        3A5CD674ADA85BCC1FF26B81B4CDEFB5
SHA1:      BD3D2758B69D56E17FBF87019C3C84917D5B9391
SHA256:  95D7CB8938E6739F92E4BBA57178E8524B6D068C2835556E7982B7C5EBFBD648

Dependencies: msvcrt.dll ntdll.dll KERNEL32.dll GDI32.dll USER32.dll SHELL32.dll BatMeter.dll POWRPROF.dll SETUPAPI.dll ole32.dll SHLWAPI.dll ADVAPI32.dll WTSAPI32.dll

2. storage.dll from Windows Vista Microsoft Corporation, OLE 2.1 1632 Interoperability Library Copyright Microsoft Corp. 1992 - 1994
Machine: 80386, MS-DOS Win32, Windows Console Interface, English (United States) Language, Windows, Multilingual Charset

Last modified: 2006-09-18 23:35:00
File size:  4.208 Byte
MD5:        5C8CDB104C31D1624EDBEEF75C1506CF
SHA1:      0F18ED585DEE930E37F9EEFCA8B4AC4222B2B434
SHA256:  F3E67E3FD0050B91242B325925025CA90F4D6215EFB98C0AB66802671110BAA6

Dependencies: msvcrt.dll ntdll.dll KERNEL32.dll GDI32.dll USER32.dll SHELL32.dll SHLWAPI.dll BatMeter.dll POWRPROF.dll SETUPAPI.dll ole32.dll OLEACC.dll OLEAUT32.dll UxTheme.dll ADVAPI32.dll WTSAPI32.dll RPCRT4.dll dwmapi.dll DUser.dll

3. storage.dll from Windows 2000 Microsoft Corporation, OLE 2.1 1632 Interoperability Library Copyright Microsoft Corp. 1992 - 1994
Machine: 80386, MS-DOS Win32, Windows Console Interface, English (United States) Language, Windows, Multilingual Charset

Last modified: 2001-04-27 12:05:00
File size:  4.208 Byte
MD5:        EA1F1BED612749C473558A4F7A630B9B
SHA1:      AF5B29401A238AD25032A91E93C0E5FEB9B2C5FB
SHA256:  F39E199BD6C9F3A864D843720336FAD6CA6183D50905B802F26387656F657101


4. storage.dll from Windows 95 Microsoft Corporation, OLE 2.3.2 1632 Interoperability Library Copyright Microsoft Corp. 1992 - 1998
Machine: 80386, MS-DOS Win32, Windows GUI Interface, English (United States) Language, Windows, Multilingual Charset

Last modified: 1999-03-29 00:59:00
File size:  4.224 Byte
MD5:        45BA878F37A72409E4CF4009B2F47CD0
SHA1:      6285AA152A18CF2E7F21D9A95524F231FE57569E
SHA256:  7D3AF73C8E54F66DFA7750BF21C80A8F6F54711C2EF10FBA57602ED4813A2C07

Dependencies: KERNEL32.dll USER32.dll ADVAPI32.dll MSVCRT20.dll

5. storage.dll from Windows 95 Microsoft Corporation, OLE 2.3.2 1632 Interoperability Library Copyright Microsoft Corp. 1992 - 1998
Machine: 80386, MS-DOS Win32, Windows GUI Interface, English (United States) Language, Windows, Multilingual Charset

Last modified: 1998-09-01 10:17:00
File size:  4.224 Byte
MD5:        FEA168DF1454B31B370E926AE99BEC67
SHA1:      8E18A019F9AE568806B55BA3BD41045AFF0CC471
SHA256:  9D374D80F9605764AB93A1F91C40982D30ECC21C5AE7368C584C1593A3AC1878

Dependencies: KERNEL32.dll USER32.dll ADVAPI32.dll MSVCRT20.dll

6. storage.dll from Windows 95 Microsoft Corporation, OLE 2.3.1 1632 Interoperability Library Copyright Microsoft Corp. 1992 - 1995
Machine: 80386, MS-DOS Win32, Windows GUI Interface, English (United States) Language, Windows, Multilingual Charset

Last modified: 1998-05-15 20:01:00
File size:  4.224 Byte
MD5:        17AB16691B23E590135D24F81683597A
SHA1:      1879A86D4DCBAB6688DBD9204C5D387C2B26D8E2
SHA256:  6E1A8610D576CC3282AFA5E275A223C5ADD37260D65A8F3899B070D0DA6BB03D

Dependencies: KERNEL32.dll mscms.dll

7. storage.dll from Windows 95 Microsoft Corporation, OLE 2.1 1632 Interoperability Library Copyright C Microsoft Corp. 1992 - 1994
Machine: Alpha, MS-DOS Win32, native Interface, Deutsch (Germany) Language, Windows, Multilingual Charset

Last modified: 1996-08-01 12:23:00
File size:  4.224 Byte
MD5:        1E66FE1C7136162E2D72C126D2F42774
SHA1:      BB78F5EF5C9CBAD2AB8F4E049456CFDDDA0C2740
SHA256:  507B2CC560B17512B13BEF44561570A615861ED3E9A7CCA9140741A8E7D76C87

Dependencies: no dependencies

7 entries found for "Storage.dll" in this database.

This free whitelisting service contains hashes of clean files from original sources of the ventors only. The database covers Microsoft DOS, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 and common applications from major ventors. Many details are shown, e.g. the file name, file size, operating system, file dependencies, MD5 checksum, SHA1 checksum and other file characteristics.

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