Database query

Type in the file name, MD5 or SHA1 checksum.
E.g. srvnet.dll, GDI32,

Definition File Whitelist:

Describes a method in information technology to define a list of trusted and clean files. Everything that is not on a trusted whitelist has to be considered as untrusted and possible unsafe. Untrusted files need much effort for analyze whether they are a security threat or safe.

Search result for "IisRTL.DLL":

1. iisRtl.dll from n/a, na na
Machine: , n/a, Interface, n/a Language, n/a Charset

Last modified: 2015-07-10 14:48:00
File size:  62.552 Byte
MD5:        7ACE30789F6A46528928FD8C92E15F70
SHA1:      E4CBB16E09A481D1A2A954CB9514FC9116FB6727
SHA256:  C6A003C59C6711AB921549C7F4322574FC8ACD6FFD1411659C33B505EB0BADBD

Dependencies: no dependencies

2. iisRtl.dll from n/a, na na
Machine: , n/a, Interface, n/a Language, n/a Charset

Last modified: 2015-07-10 14:30:00
File size:  71.984 Byte
MD5:        B333463DEC4EACF99683CABD110B9D33
SHA1:      0E1564D92AF4FB56655E9CD2F906F51C45C37CB5
SHA256:  06FA07D47F9C37FB4B003EB64CD96FF2B6D9888317AA01E06D4FC99EC1124AA5

Dependencies: no dependencies

3. iisRtl.dll from Windows 8.1 n/a, na na
Machine: AMD64, NT Win32, Windows Console Interface, English (United States) Language, Unicode Charset

Last modified: 2013-08-22 17:00:00
File size:  61.046 Byte
MD5:        3D6370A2589A8634E1F14522FF95DCD2
SHA1:      B580120E12EA6F96DC281E4CA6C155C74367174E
SHA256:  D9A9D4856F2800BCC151CF93258D040F32D4B6F9B7FAB9E175539826EB83741C

Dependencies: no dependencies

4. iisRtl.dll from Windows 7 Microsoft Corporation, IIS RunTime Library Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Machine: 80386, NT Win32, Windows Console Interface, Neutral Language, Unicode Charset

Last modified: 2009-07-14 03:15:00
File size:  154.624 Byte
MD5:        F92EFAF7A33B56D91CAAAC6723DCE48B
SHA1:      14ACE11D085F683183B38C475A936CE363EC351A
SHA256:  B00F40B9B4C2F288AE08B8A5505B11FB8F460635275E05FBA20033BC631F0356

Dependencies: msvcrt.dll KERNEL32.dll ADVAPI32.dll WS2_32.dll RPCRT4.dll USER32.dll ole32.dll ntdll.dll

5. iisRtl.dll from Windows Vista Microsoft Corporation, IIS RunTime Library Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Machine: 80386, NT Win32, Windows Console Interface, Neutral Language, Unicode Charset

Last modified: 2006-11-02 14:35:00
File size:  148.480 Byte
MD5:        E62C7EF40684EA52D1CD16058365CDA1
SHA1:      50A78A82CB8BD5B2003CAA98B73DAE40BF56158F
SHA256:  202293FEAC9CE057B7D73681EA1A228F2918658F480F690F8D19196A36783227

Dependencies: msvcrt.dll KERNEL32.dll ADVAPI32.dll WS2_32.dll RPCRT4.dll USER32.dll ole32.dll ntdll.dll

6. iisrtl.dll from Windows XP Microsoft Corporation, IIS RunTime Library Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Machine: 80386, NT Win32, Windows Console Interface, English (United States) Language, Unicode Charset

Last modified: 2004-08-04 10:59:00
File size:  133.632 Byte
MD5:        600F69207819C2AAC32300C34ED34592
SHA1:      52C4264E587E1C2A1F04AED1F376323CC1A5EAD4
SHA256:  8EA4FA19666325737E5695FB0A2CC18A0A9C4C844D36F63CF8E99D9BDF4476F9

Dependencies: msvcrt.dll ntdll.dll KERNEL32.dll ADVAPI32.dll WS2_32.dll RPCRT4.dll USER32.dll ole32.dll

7. iisRtl.dll from Windows 2000 Microsoft Corporation, IIS RunTime Library Copyright C Microsoft Corp. 1981-1999
Machine: 80386, NT Win32, Windows Console Interface, English (United States) Language, Unicode Charset

Last modified: 2003-06-19 12:05:00
File size:  124.176 Byte
MD5:        C9625571ABB375F94C8EA126CF10DC29
SHA1:      8254D828332CD6A804034A1E7A58E1F14CA875F0
SHA256:  96B656D2D7C16296F40568B84716E9B0D17DDD4336BDF6DBA2617BDB5E2685DD


8. iisrtl.dll from Windows 2000 Microsoft Corporation, IIS RunTime Library Copyright C Microsoft Corp. 1981-1999
Machine: 80386, NT Win32, Windows Console Interface, English (United States) Language, Unicode Charset

Last modified: 2001-08-08 10:09:00
File size:  122.640 Byte
MD5:        5314FB3D8E83D6661B797C8F6C8D617E
SHA1:      D320DB9A14D44E3D02EDF724FF9BEE0B42685034
SHA256:  1F05784F1AD0A8622D7EFAEB620A43BB3709C7D3D75BC863155333D9625BE9DD

Dependencies: MSVCRT.dll KERNEL32.dll ADVAPI32.dll WS2_32.dll RPCRT4.dll USER32.dll ole32.dll

9. iisRtl.dll from Windows 2000 Microsoft Corporation, IIS RunTime Library Copyright C Microsoft Corp. 1981-1999
Machine: 80386, NT Win32, Windows Console Interface, English (United States) Language, Unicode Charset

Last modified: 2001-04-27 12:05:00
File size:  122.640 Byte
MD5:        2C6CFB06606C42C0499E68B4CF81CEC4
SHA1:      07B08A0BC16BD3A25BAD7B89D0A1E9344102F665
SHA256:  075F43D0DF01F491415E234181ABB3C405571FD79BFED65A0EAC5742B870B087


9 entries found for "IisRTL.DLL" in this database.

This free whitelisting service contains hashes of clean files from original sources of the ventors only. The database covers Microsoft DOS, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 and common applications from major ventors. Many details are shown, e.g. the file name, file size, operating system, file dependencies, MD5 checksum, SHA1 checksum and other file characteristics.

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