Database query

Type in the file name, MD5 or SHA1 checksum.
E.g. srvnet.dll, GDI32,

Definition File Whitelist:

Describes a method in information technology to define a list of trusted and clean files. Everything that is not on a trusted whitelist has to be considered as untrusted and possible unsafe. Untrusted files need much effort for analyze whether they are a security threat or safe.

Search result for "ksthunk.sys":

1. ksthunk.sys from Windows 10 Microsoft Windows, Kernel Streaming WOW Thunk Service Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Machine: x64, n/a, Native Interface, n/a Language, n/a Charset

Last modified: 2015-07-10 13:00:00
File size:  26.112 Byte
MD5:        503597D9B72DBD9998F722F12A51ACFC
SHA1:      A02971CCAB675DC307B943E5B6AED888BCB181D4
SHA256:  9B3585282191163AA70243BAD921ED8725A98454E0D3879E0F671E0E4F56AB4F

Dependencies: ntoskrnl.exe ks.sys

2. ksthunk.sys from Windows 8 Microsoft Corporation, Kernel Streaming WOW Thunk Service Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Machine: AMD64, NT Win32, native Interface, English (United States) Language, Unicode Charset

Last modified: 2013-08-22 14:55:00
File size:  129.224 Byte
MD5:        11AFB527AA370B1DAFD5C36F35F6D45F
SHA1:      F77D0EA8A7F0026F71D2977A4B54A61FF14A3DAD
SHA256:  757AD234284467ADB826F7CA0251F58D48866B91995BC867DEA4BAF676947163

Dependencies: L1C63x64.sys ntoskrnl.exe HAL.dll NDIS.SYS

3. ksthunk.sys from Windows 8 Microsoft Corporation, Kernel Streaming WOW Thunk Service Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Machine: AMD64, NT Win32, native Interface, English (United States) Language, Unicode Charset

Last modified: 2012-07-26 03:28:00
File size:  100.864 Byte
MD5:        81492FEEBF2F26455B00EE8DBAE8A1B0
SHA1:      59149B79E80B17207C1693F21B8D7EE445F3D55E
SHA256:  E33AA2DFB2D3BB30B02CDADA2EC290F86329DA3198327A653F39A843D86390B9

Dependencies: L1C63x64.sys ntoskrnl.exe HAL.dll NDIS.SYS

4. ksthunk.sys from Windows 7 Microsoft Corporation, Kernel Streaming WOW Thunk Service Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Machine: AMD64, NT Win32, native Interface, English (United States) Language, Unicode Charset

Last modified: 2009-07-14 02:00:00
File size:  26.112 Byte
MD5:        6869281E78CB31A43E969F06B57347C4
SHA1:      A490C8F4C501652CB732B63620BEBE261F457117
SHA256:  866A23E69B32A78D378D6CB3B3DA3695FFDFF0FEC3C9F68C8C3F988DF417044B

Dependencies: msfs.sys ntoskrnl.exe

4 entries found for "ksthunk.sys" in this database.

This free whitelisting service contains hashes of clean files from original sources of the ventors only. The database covers Microsoft DOS, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 and common applications from major ventors. Many details are shown, e.g. the file name, file size, operating system, file dependencies, MD5 checksum, SHA1 checksum and other file characteristics.

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